IORADIO # 11 – RFK Jr: Covid Restrictions Bring Totalitarianism & Bitcoin Fixes This?


AmericanScream and I react to RFK Jr.’s Bitcoin 2023 keynote rantings in Miami. Kennedy equates public health measures during COVID to totalitarian oppression and argues that Bitcoin is important because it protects civil liberties from governmental repression.

In IO Radio #11 we discuss the democratic presidential candidate’s COVID obsession and anti-vaxxer status. Were the Canadian truckers freedom loving patriots, or whiny entitled far right anti-science nut jobs? Join us, and let us know if ‘Bitcoin solves this’™.

P.S. I want to drown Bitcoin in a bathtub.

IORADIO #10 – Reddit Censors Its Largest Crypto-Critical Community


American Scream and I discuss the latest happenings on Reddit, including censorship of /r/buttcoin (gasp!), Reddit’s love of crypto, and the eternal sunshine that private for profit corporations bestow upon the world.

By the way, did you know the SEC is going after Binance? Join us for IO Radio #10 and listen to two grown men cry about how Admins have taken away their favourite toys because they’re big meanies who don’t want us making fun of subreddits whose most helpful posts are links to suicide prevention hotlines.

P.S. I suddenly want pizza.