In this episode, in addition to commenting about the current state of the bitcoin bump and how that affects our online communities, we take advantage of the recent pump of bitcoin to talk about a common talking point: “Number go up” – is it the most important metric in all of crypto? It might be, but does it mean that we’re wrong in our criticisms? Not at all and we’ll explain why.
IORadio #24 – Who Watches The Watchers?
Sal discusses an investigative piece he’s published on questions and concerns over crypto news entity, “Protos” and the “Crypto Critics”, Bennett Tomlin and Cas Piancy who are on their payroll.
Are some of the most prominent “crypto critics” in media double agents? Pretending to be critical of crypto when instead they’re lap dogs for the industry? Sal chronicles an interesting turn of events that manifested over several months that led him to look into who’s behind some of the work penned by the people behind the “Crypto Critics Podcast.”
UPDATE NOTE that this podcast was recorded before the “Crypto Critics” released their most recent podcast where they actually claimed Tether was fully-backed. So before we made this public, there’s even more evidence of some questionable conflicts of interest.
Also, new details will be listed after the video and podcast links below – check them out:
This podcast was recorded last week. A number of things have come to light since then, and we’ll continue to update this page with new developments and citations.
First and foremost, as mentioned in the podcast, many of us have been trying to reach out to the CCC (crypto critics corner) people for some time to talk about various issues, and have been ghosted. This has resulted in more of an adversarial relationship than we would have preferred, but it is what it is. However, we finally got Bennett to, at least someone respond to our inquiries in their Discord the other day. Unfortunately, most of our inquiries that were the subject of this podcast and Sal’s article, remain unanswered — in fact, when pressed to identify who the mysterious “co-found of Protos” is, Bennett quickly exited the conversation and was no longer heard from.
One thing we did get from the short interaction was an official statement on their stance on certain issues of import: “Are you pro crypto/blockchain?” Here’s what he said:

The “crypto critics” do not think Bitcoin is a ponzi. They think Tether is fully backed. They continue to harp an unproven narrative that “blockchain has potential” despite no evidence of this in the last 15 years. Suffice to say, the fact that they are employed by a company who is run by both a mysterious co-founder they won’t identify, and another co-founder who clearly benefits from further proliferation of the crypto industry, the writing is on the wall. In our opinion, the “crypto critics” are more double agents, working for the crypto industry, than they are independent free-thinkers who can be relied upon to report the truth to the public. As always, you make up your own mind on this, but we find their insistence on promoting certain narratives in lieu of legitimate evidence, very disconcerting and deceptive.
We’ve extended them an invitation to appear on our podcast at any time and defend their position, and have offered ourselves on theirs as well, but based on their demeanor and past behavior, it’s unlikely there will be any good faith debate on the subject. We will remain open to it however. Let it be known, that myself and Sal are available to answer any questions – we are not going to disappear or ghost anybody that asks something uncomfortable. The same apparently can’t be said for the “crypto critics.”
And to make things clear… here are OUR disclosures (as if there was any confusion)
1. Blockchain is an inferior, obsolete technology that does nothing better than existing non-blockchain technology (and Adam produced an entire award-winning documentary detailing the evidence to back up this claim that the crypto critics will not even acknowledge exists).
2. There is inadequate credible evidence that USDT/Tether is “fully backed.” There’s an industry standard way to remove doubt on this issue: having an independent audit done by a reputable accounting firm. Tether has refused to submit to this basic industry standard. That’s all anybody needs to know as far as the credibility of their claims. And in our opinion (which is likely echoed by any professional with knowledge of ethical accounting procedures) it is irresponsible to parrot any claim to the contrary in lieu of this standard audit.
3. As we’ve reported on and researched in detail before, the operational model that treats Bitcoin (or any cryptocurrency) as an “investment” is functionally identical to a Ponzi scheme. The notion that bitcoin is a Ponzi is not a fringe opinion. It is echoed by many other experts across both computer science and finance industries, as well as governments.
So there you have it. In our opinion, it’s misleading to label oneself a “crypto critic” yet continue to parrot certain narratives that are not at all critical of crypto, but in fact, extremely un-critical of the industry, to the point where large swaths of undeniable evidence is wholly ignored (which explains CCC’s unwillingness to call attention to the documentary, “Blockchain – Innovation or Illusion?” and their unwillingness to have an honest, unfiltered debate on the subject.
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…

As always, think critically… and often. And watch the watchers. That’s what we’ll be doing.
IO Radio #23 – Gary Gensler’s Wild Bitcoin ETF Ride
As a result of court action, the SEC recently voted on whether to approve spot Bitcoin ETPs and in a 3/2 vote, allowed them. We look into what these ETPs/ETFs are and discuss one of the SEC chair’s rather incendiary letter of dissent.
Listen audio only below:
IORadio #22: STOP Comparing Crypto and Blockchain to the Internet!
In this episode we tackle one of our biggest tech pet peeves: Comparing crypto & blockchain to the “early Internet” as a way to suggest blockchain has the same potential as the Internet did, but merely “takes time” to become accepted as something essential and useful.
This is a flat out delusion. And we discuss the details of how and why it’s a dreadful false equivalence to suggest crypto is in any way, comparable to the Internet.
IO RADIO #21: Trapped on Planet Crypto-Bro!
In this special extended episode of IO-Radio, Adam and Sal, in an effort to establish peace and solidarity with a strange new alien race, unknowingly travel to the planet… CRYPTO BRO… Originally thought to be residents of planet Earth, the real world, they discover they are not in the same place.
Follow us on this strange journey, where the “specific” is strangely “abstract.”
Where “permanence” and “reliability” manifest into “utility” and “value” despite not actually being qualified.
We attempt to find some kind of common ground with a bona fide crypto enthusiast who proves to be as evasive and slithery as the fearsom Dianoga, changing the subject with incredible speed, moving laterally as soon as they sense they’re near a corner, hiding behind huge abstractions that nobody completely understands.
In order to make sense of this strange alien encounter we had to fabricate a special new technology, the “Vague Abstraction Meter” which tracked our guest’s nimble verbal moves in real time so we could attempt to gain some common ground. Watch the video and our new (potentially disruptive technology), the “Vague Abstraction Meter.”
Warning: Listening to his podcast may possibly be in violation of OSHA standards of intellectual stability. We apologize.
Listen here:
IORADIO #20 – Does Decentralization Make Any Sense?
Do you have questions about decentralization? We do.
When cryptobros invoke its name, bagholders of all tokens bow their heads and mutter a prayer to Our Lord Nakamoto, but why is it so important to them?
The blasphemy of centralization is a curse to true believers, but are these the crazed rantings of religious zealots, or have the The Chosen People discovered the word of a digital Prophet?
Does decentralization offer the faithless hearts of heretical nocoiners digital salvation or does it pull the guileless and the gullible into the waiting arms of damnation?
Does it make things better? How important is it? And does it actually apply to blockchain and cryptocurrency?
On this episode of IORADIO we’re out to chew bubble gum and destroy talking points, and we’re all outta bubble gum! Adam and Sal kick away crypto propagandists’ most beloved crutch: decentralization.
IORADIO #18 – In the Garden of Snakes with Stephen Diehl
When cryptocurrency’s malign influence on the software industry began to be felt in 2019, an engineer working in finance took notice. After seeing first hand how public permissionless blockchains could be used to pervert incentives and undermine common interests, Stephen Diehl’s views on the decade old tech changed. What he had previously dismissed, he now saw as dangerous, and Stephen began to write a series of influential blog posts that have helped educate the public about the true nature of crypto.
In the intervening years Stephen’s written dozens of articles and two books on the subject and has become one of crypto’s most prominent critics. He’s also become an activist against the well funded cryptocurrency industry and has challenged those seeking to exploit and defraud the public by organizing with others who are critical of the tech.
We sit down with Stephen to discuss his activism, the ever changing ecosystem of tokenized fraud known as cryptocurrency, and if we should let Sal burn it with fire or apply the law according to Adam. Tune in!
Listen Here:
Watch Here:
IORADIO #13 – Interview with Computer Science Professor and Crypto Critic: Dr. Nicholas Weaver
In this episode, we interview one of the cryptocurrency industry’s earliest and most staunch critic, Berkely Computer Science Professor Doctor Nicholas Weaver, who has authored various articles and presentations on how and why Bitcoin and crypto are unsuitable for any of the applications they claim, if not downright, in his own words, “criminally negligent” technology.
Watch on Video:
Listen to the audio-only podcast below:
IORADIO # 11 – RFK Jr: Covid Restrictions Bring Totalitarianism & Bitcoin Fixes This?
AmericanScream and I react to RFK Jr.’s Bitcoin 2023 keynote rantings in Miami. Kennedy equates public health measures during COVID to totalitarian oppression and argues that Bitcoin is important because it protects civil liberties from governmental repression.
In IO Radio #11 we discuss the democratic presidential candidate’s COVID obsession and anti-vaxxer status. Were the Canadian truckers freedom loving patriots, or whiny entitled far right anti-science nut jobs? Join us, and let us know if ‘Bitcoin solves this’™.
P.S. I want to drown Bitcoin in a bathtub.
IORADIO #9 – Reaction to Adam Back & Co. “Biggest Bitcoin Ballers” Panel at Bitcoin 2023 + bonus
American Scream and I react to the “Biggest Bitcoin Ballers” panel discussion at Bitcoin 2023 in Miami.
Watch Saint Adam Back, joined by fellow cultists Jack Mallers & Matt Odell, preach the gospel of FOMO and evangelize the sacred tenant of HODL. How much fiat are you donating to the church of crypto? It might be time to sell your worldly possessions and become a Bitcoin monk, while some might pray, the truly devout DCA.
In IO Radio #9 we provide colour commentary while three of the world’s biggest con-artists try to take every last dollar you have and stuff it into their already overflowing pockets. The only thing on stage scarcer that the panellist’s sense of empathy is a real world use case.
To finish, we share a sneak peak of highlights from day 1 of Bitcoin 2023. Enjoy!