IORADIO #16 – A conversation with Ethereum developer “Louis”

As crypto-critics, we’re often accused of living in an “echo chamber” being unwilling to entertain other points of view. As part of our ongoing efforts to try and discuss issues with the people who are in the industry, we present another interview/casual conversation with a 20-something year old Ethereum developer from Switzerland by the name of “Louis.” We get his points of view about what problems crypto claims to address. Among other things, he claims the tech offers “less trust assumptions” and “less technical points of failure.”

Do you agree? Leave your comments, and also join us on Discord — the podcast is now available on all major platforms including iTunes, Google, Spotify, and more.

Here’s the audio:

Video goes live Monday (although this is mostly audio – I do put up some relevant reference material at certain points in the video)

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