ioRadio #33: Confessions of a Disillusioned Web3 Dev

Today’s guest, whom we’ll refer to by his popular discord handle, “Homestead Hacker”, thought he found his dream job, working in the exciting world of “web3”.

This was supposed to be the cutting edge of emerging technology, involving crypto, blockchain, gaming and more.

Unfortunately our guest realized it didn’t turn out the way he’d imagined. He takes us through his experience working for a web3 gaming company and his realization that the crypto industry isn’t what he originally thought.

ioRadio #32: Crypto Debate: Can Bitcoin Save Society (and energy?)

As part of our outreach to engage and educate people in the crypto community, this is another in our “debate a crypto bro” series. We encourage people in the crypto industry to open a dialogue and exchange ideas and arguments to better understand all sides of this “industry.”

In today’s episode I talk with “Dr. Rob”, a veterinarian in New Zealand who wants to discuss what he believes are the strongest arguments for Bitcoin’s utility. This is part 2 of a 2 part series. In this final part, we discuss another “use case” for Bitcoin involving issues relating to energy.

For more visit our web site at

ioRadio #31: Crypto Debate: Can Bitcoin Save Society? (Part 1) With Dr. Rob

As part of our outreach to engage and educate people in the crypto community, this is another in our “debate a crypto bro” series. We encourage people in the crypto industry to open a dialogue and exchange ideas and arguments to better understand all sides of this “industry.”

In today’s episode I talk with “Dr. Rob”, a veterinarian in New Zealand who wants to discuss what he believes are the strongest arguments for Bitcoin’s utility. This is part 1 of a 2 part series. In this first part, Rob proposes Bitcoin has “use cases” for certain underprivileged classes around the world. Let’s unpack and analyze these claims.

For more visit our web site at

IORadio #30: Jake Donoghue, Author of “Crypto Confidential: An Insider’s Account From The Frontlines Of Fraud.”

I speak with author and former crypto industry insider, Jake Donoghue about his new book, “Crypto Confidential: An Insider’s Account From The Frontlines Of Fraud.” In this book, Jake talks about his time working on launching a crypto company and then pivoting to start an agency that helps launch other crypto projects. He pulls no punches in describing the multi-layered fraud and deception which seems to encompass every aspect of the industry.

Details on the book:

From Amazon:

IORadio #28: A Conversation With The Common Sense Skeptic

One of the most detailed and prolific sources of data on the shenanigans of people like Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Kevin O’Leary and others can be found on a YouTube channel called, “The Common Sense Skeptic.” In the short time he’s been producing videos, he’s managed to publish a wide array of very detailed, very damning details of some of these controversial characters’ pasts and present. We talk about what he’s discovered and what’s happening now with some of these people.

You can catch The Common Sense Skeptic’s work here:

IORadio #27: A Follow-Up Conversation With A Crypto Unicorn (Part 2)

You’ve heard the stories about people who go “all in” on Bitcoin.

These are the “pink unicorns” of investing.

Does it make sense to put all your eggs in one crypto basket?

Well, we talk to one guy who’s done that, and try to explain why that might be a bad idea.

It’s been a few weeks and there’s been some interest to check back in with our infamous crypto unicorn who has gone “all in” on Bitcoin and see if our last discussion had any impact on his outlook.

I also dive a little deeper into how his crypto adoption has manifested and how much actual experience he’s had testing the exchanges to see if he can get his “money” back?

There are some very interesting and/or shocking revelations towards the end.

Be sure to leave your comments and let us know what you think?

IORadio #26: A Conversation With A Crypto Unicorn

You’ve heard the stories about people who go “all in” on Bitcoin. These are the “pink unicorns” of investing. Does it make sense to put all your eggs in one crypto basket? Well, we talk to one guy who’s done that, and try to explain why that might be a bad idea.

IORadio #25 – NuMb3R g0 uP! – Addressing common crypto talking points series

In this episode, in addition to commenting about the current state of the bitcoin bump and how that affects our online communities, we take advantage of the recent pump of bitcoin to talk about a common talking point: “Number go up” – is it the most important metric in all of crypto? It might be, but does it mean that we’re wrong in our criticisms? Not at all and we’ll explain why.

Twitter Spaces Showdown Between IOR and CCC Fans Doesn’t Turn Out As They Expected

Our last episode and the story that Sal exposed regarding the questionable “objectivity” of those behind the crypto media company “Protos” caused quite a bit of stir among a certain “Crypto Critic” community, to the point where Bennett Tomlin and Cas Piancey blocked everybody associated with the criticisms and began spiraling downwards into some kind of odd meltdown.

Along the way, we were accused of trying to ‘attack’ and ‘cancel’ the Crypto Critics.

This seemed quite odd because all we basically did was ask a few basic questions.

It seems the “Crypto Critics” are very good at casting aspirsions and critiques at others, but not at all comfortable having the light shown on themselves.

This culminated in a two hour impromptu Twitter Spaces showdown between Adam and one of their people, a guy by the name of Cameron Crews.

Watch the train wreck in all its glory here:

Additional images and screen caps relating to the story can be found here: