ioRadio #32: Crypto Debate: Can Bitcoin Save Society (and energy?)

As part of our outreach to engage and educate people in the crypto community, this is another in our “debate a crypto bro” series. We encourage people in the crypto industry to open a dialogue and exchange ideas and arguments to better understand all sides of this “industry.”

In today’s episode I talk with “Dr. Rob”, a veterinarian in New Zealand who wants to discuss what he believes are the strongest arguments for Bitcoin’s utility. This is part 2 of a 2 part series. In this final part, we discuss another “use case” for Bitcoin involving issues relating to energy.

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ioRadio #31: Crypto Debate: Can Bitcoin Save Society? (Part 1) With Dr. Rob

As part of our outreach to engage and educate people in the crypto community, this is another in our “debate a crypto bro” series. We encourage people in the crypto industry to open a dialogue and exchange ideas and arguments to better understand all sides of this “industry.”

In today’s episode I talk with “Dr. Rob”, a veterinarian in New Zealand who wants to discuss what he believes are the strongest arguments for Bitcoin’s utility. This is part 1 of a 2 part series. In this first part, Rob proposes Bitcoin has “use cases” for certain underprivileged classes around the world. Let’s unpack and analyze these claims.

For more visit our web site at

IORadio #27: A Follow-Up Conversation With A Crypto Unicorn (Part 2)

You’ve heard the stories about people who go “all in” on Bitcoin.

These are the “pink unicorns” of investing.

Does it make sense to put all your eggs in one crypto basket?

Well, we talk to one guy who’s done that, and try to explain why that might be a bad idea.

It’s been a few weeks and there’s been some interest to check back in with our infamous crypto unicorn who has gone “all in” on Bitcoin and see if our last discussion had any impact on his outlook.

I also dive a little deeper into how his crypto adoption has manifested and how much actual experience he’s had testing the exchanges to see if he can get his “money” back?

There are some very interesting and/or shocking revelations towards the end.

Be sure to leave your comments and let us know what you think?

IORadio #26: A Conversation With A Crypto Unicorn

You’ve heard the stories about people who go “all in” on Bitcoin. These are the “pink unicorns” of investing. Does it make sense to put all your eggs in one crypto basket? Well, we talk to one guy who’s done that, and try to explain why that might be a bad idea.